What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants Over Dental Bridges?
Dental bridges and dental implants are two common procedures to replace missing teeth. However, there are several advantages of dental implants over bridges.
Longer-Lasting Solution
Dental implants often last the rest of your life with proper oral hygiene, unlike dental bridges that have a life span of around ten years and may eventually become ill-fitting, needing replacement. Dental bridges also require special cleaning and maintenance and are subject to decay and tooth nerve problems. Dental implants cannot decay and will not need root canals.
More Natural Aesthetics
Dental bridges are usually a single piece, molded to fill the missing tooth gap. However, dental implants are custom-made to match your existing teeth. Each individual crown is fitted based on the shape, color, and position of your teeth and anchored by titanium posts that act as new “roots” for the replacement teeth.
Preserve Existing Teeth and Jawbone
When you have missing teeth, your existing teeth begin to shift, which causes further dental issues and oral health problems. While bridges fill the space between the missing teeth, they prevent the stimulation provided to the gums and jawbone from chewing. Bone loss around a bridge is common. Additionally, the abutments for your bridge can cause the teeth your bridge is attached to, to break or become damaged. Since dental implants are anchored to the jawbone, these problems are mitigated.
Greater Oral Function and Comfort
Dental implants allow you to experience greater chewing, biting, smiling, and conversation functions than dental bridges. Dental bridges block the sensation of normal chewing and can become uncomfortable after time. Since dental implants are fused into the jawbone securely, they feel more like your regular teeth and provide a more comfortable solution to replace missing teeth.